Assalammualaikum. Today is Thursday and would be the last day for the lecture week of Semester 2, 2019/2020. I only have a class today which is at 5PM until 6PM, Introduction to Psychology – and I am officially done. Lol nope, I still have to sit for three final papers next year. It was rare for me to have a quite peaceful Week...
By Katherine Ferreras Assalammualaikum. It is 4.27 in the morning. I sleep early last night and end up waking up at 3. I do not have anything on the schedule, at least until the end of November. It just... I was feeling quite under the weather - emotionally. Hence, the 6+ hours sleeping. It helps, it does - to some extend. I was...
Campus Rambles | dealing with post-midsemester break
By faten.banana - November 16, 2019
Assalammualaikum. I did not go home during the mid-semester break; something that I always do. I was working for three days out of that one-week period around TTDI for race kit distributions and earned quite enough for me to last a fortnight. Alhamdulillah for the unexpected rezeki. And I also met a number of beautiful souls out there. A day after, I caught quite...
Assalammualaikum. After almost a month and a half frantically try to juggle between my studies and societies' programmes - I finally have the time to recompose my state of mind. I mean, no offence - being busy is all fun if we managed to properly arrange our life, there are a lot of commitments that need our equal attention. Even though I may...
Assalammualaikum. One thing that I rarely talk either in my blog or among my friend is my love life - because I basically do not have any. I am currently not engaged in any form of relationship bond nor contract lol. I have never been in a serious relationship nor engaging with guys. I literally do not talk to male homosapiens unless I...
Assalammualaikum. It's Week 7 already and I have been meaning to find the right time (more like a good time) where I can pen this down because Week 4 would mark something that I never thought I will ever do. Regardless, let's start from the less important thing. I do not have anything schedule for Week 4 actually other than IRKHS CUP 2019...
Assalammualaikum. If you haven't noticed, I intend to make Campus Rambles as a series of updates documenting everything that happened along the week of my semester studies. The reason I decided to write about my daily events simply because I want to reminisce all those days I struggled through the storms and thunders. To remember that I survive them, I survive those turbulences...
Assalammualaikum. The haze is getting super bad lately. It has decided to cling to me as a continuous painful cough and a rise in temperature as the sun laying to sleep. My classes even got cancelled last Thursday as the Air Pollution Index (API) in Gombak is getting way more than 200. That left me with only two days of classes. I was...
I really like the first class in every subject. Not because most of them would be cancelled due to Add/Drop processes, rather because of the first insight given to the students about the subject in particular. How the learning process would be, the lecturer intentions for the students in regards to the subject. ... and it could be due to the fact that...
I am currently in my third year, second semester - meaning, I have another one and a half year before finishing my degree, Inn Shaa Allah, in 2021. For those who did not know, this year commemorates my fifth year wrestling through tertiary education in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)/ Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM). One and a half year spent in Centre...
cover cantik gila tapi aku takut huwaa Tajuk: ENTITI Penulis: SYAFIQ AIZAT Terbit: JUN 2018 Penerbit: Buku Fixi Mukasurat: 330 ms Sinopsis: Sebagai pelajar baru di sekolah, banyak benda baru yang dia perlu cari. Seperti kawan baru, makwe baru, sumber inspirasi baru dan gaya hidup baru. Namun, benda baru lain pula yang dia jumpa: sebuah buku lama yang membawa dia untuk belajar ilmu-ilmu...
I used to do sport when I was in school. I played netball, 100 meters sprints, long jump and high jump (for a while) as I was bestowed with long limbs lol. I stopped completely when I was in Form 3 due to well let just say, physical constraints. In my foundation years, I started practising Silat Cekak Malaysia – until last year...
I love battered books actually >,< The Gift | Cecelia Ahern | August 2009 | 305 pages Synopsis: Everyday Lou Suffern battled with the clock. He always had two places to be at the same time. He always had two things to do at once. When asleep he dreamed. In between dreams, he ran through the events of the day while making plans...
Photo by Balint Szajki on Unsplash Assalammualaikum. I mentioned this a lot - I am an introvert. I would rather spend most of my time alone and doing my stuff, just like most other introverts are. The thing about being an introvert is that sometimes we just did not notice how we have been shoving a lot of things inside as if our...
picture: @BukuFixi Assalammualaikum. Kampus yang ditulis oleh Syafiq Aizat ni di-release pada March 2017 tapi aku baru berkesempatan untuk baca selepas keinginan yang selama ini hanya disimpan tetiba kena rentap naik ke dasar. Ewah. So, I called my lovely fixi's enthuasiast, Puteri, to ask either she has Kampus, Entiti and Anomali lol. I got two out of three, tu pun kes dia takbukak...
Get Well Soon Hampers: Why Hampers are a Perfect Gift | Little Flower Hut
By faten.banana - July 19, 2019

The most heartfelt gift you can send someone is your thoughtfulness. This is also applicable when someone is under the weather and not feeling well, especially when the condition caused him or her hospital or home confinement. Sending Flower Delivery is one way to express your thoughtfulness. The Florist can help you pick the best gifts. There are flowers, baskets of gifts, and...
068: Semester 5 | rearing insecurity as if it is a 'child'
By faten.banana - July 08, 2019
Today is Monday, meaning it has been a week since I started my short semester. It is my first time signing up for a short semester (cause ya know I rather have 3 months holiday too). Taking a short semester was never in my plan as I figured I can finish all the required subjects within the estimated four years. I could, but...
Drama: Radiation House / Houshasenka no Shindan Report Country: Japan Episodes: 11 Aired: Apr 8, 2019 - Jun 17, 2019 Aired On: Monday Network: Fuji TV Duration: 60 min. Genres: Mystery, Drama, Medical Casts: - Kubota Masataka as Igarashi Iori - Honda Tsubasa as Amakasu An Synopsis: Igarashi Iori is a talented radiographer who believes the “truth” is definitely captured in CT and...
Assalammualaikum. I just wanna have a casual sembang session hehe. It has been a while since we talk, have we not? I kinda realized yesterday that I might have been to fix on writing pieces that are too (hopefully) pleasing to a certain part of myself. I happened to abandon the 'fun' and that 'I-don't-care' attitude in the process of satisfying that inner...
Assalammualaikum and greetings! I do not spend much time on YouTube actually. But when I do, it is usually because of these few channels. Whenever there is a notification comes sliding on my phone if I do not have anything important (like really really important) I would instantaneously hit the play button. Thinker Studio I used to have a very bad impression to...
You see, among my family members - I would be the less likely one to fall sick. I used to believe that is due to better fighting mechanism residing in my body compared to my younger siblings. But when I get sick, I get really sick to the point that I could not even wake up and I had rather sleep all day...
I was scrolling the Twitter when I saw a tweet saying that you can reduce your hair loss when you use a certain type of pillowcase – silk pillowcase. I thought it was a sarcastic tweet ya gais, no kidding I thought they are really making a joke out of it. Cause seriously, man? Silk pillowcase for hair? Reduce hair loss? With pillowcase? ...
a raw picture snapped using Android I have decided that these two words, 'stupidity' and 'ignorance,' should not be used interchangeably. I used to believe that these words hold the same weight, the same definition - regardless of anything, it just going to bring the same meaning when used in a sentence. Hell yeah, hell no. The reason is that - after some...

Assalammualaikum. Everything moves quickly nowadays. It’s like once you register yourself up into the adulthood period, things move faster than it initially was. Pre-twenty is like jazz you can dance and swing around – once you enter the transition wow au revoir life, I’m gonna speed likes there is no end. Clearly a hyperbole, guys. [side note: I’m getting anxious – cannot stop...
062: 2+0+1+8 Reasons I Have Found to Fight Better in 2019
By faten.banana - January 17, 2019
Assalammualaikum fellas. When most of the bloggers posted their ‘2019 Resolutions’ or ‘Things They Have Learnt in 2018’- I’m here, weeping like a crow. I tried, writing some tsk, but it ends up as something that is not suitable for sharing purposes due to the emotional cries and a bucket full of lies I tried to find comfort with; used and wasted in...