
[challenge] #14: travel

By faten.banana - January 20, 2017

credit to Travel Channel (The Palacio de Generalife Granada, Spain)
“Falling was such an elastic word.” – If I Fix You, Abigail Johnson
When I was in my teen-years, I always dream of going to Korea or Japan (to watch the sakura lol) but it wasn’t that intense. I just feel like going there. But now, no. Actually, since last two years – I had this strong fondness over countries in Europe: Turkey, Greece, and Spain particularly. Blame the all the TV-shows I had watched. Bon Voyage for example, duh.

Greece (credit to BoomsBeat)
Turkey: Lol, I want to visit Istanbul because of the buildings.

Greece: I watched this one Pinoy drama called On The Wings Of Love and man, I just love all the buildings where the filming took place (around Santorini). The streets spell loves too! I even intended to learn Greek but uh… it just so hard. 

Spain: I watched a TV-show (which I can’t recall the name is) and that is the moment where I fell in love with Granada. It is a city filled with Islamic relics and sentiments. I wasn’t paying much attention, watching it at the very last minute. However, I somehow feel like visiting that place (not in another five years, I afraid), touching the monument with my bare hands, feels the dusty historical building that contains more than history itself. 

(If only I was this interested in History back in my Secondary School.)

These three places are part of my dreams. To make it real or not, its depends on me. Financial and willingness. But, frankly speaking - I would love to explore every inch of Malaysia first. There are plenty historical buildings (or just plain buildings) yet to be discovered here. As a child, I do not have many opportunities to travel. Banyak kekangan. Years and years after, I kinda get used to not going anywhere. Either I was so lazy, or it just me.

However, when I was in one of the body (?) under Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, it allows me to see the other parts of Malaysia: Melaka, and Terengganu specifically (while attending conference lol) Few of my batch mate even traveled to Japan for two weeks! Now that I'm twenty years old, I feel like there is nothing wrong in marking the years with escapism once in a while.

Jap, tetiba rasa nakpergi tengok kubah terbalik dekat Muzium Kesenian Islam. Fuh. 
Aku kan, pelik sikit. Aku rasa macam pernah menangis bila tengok bangunan. Masa dekat Ipoh pun. Dahsyat betul ah, bila dah immerse dalam sesuatu tu habis semua emosi di-triggered.

Unexpected charms kan? /flip/ 
A slap on the cheeks wouldn't hurt, I guess?

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  1. actually, i am too! those travel channel really sell this idea to me.

  2. It seems like you like the buildings more than the environment. I'd love to visit the Turkey too, but it's because of their hot air balloons. Neway, hope all your dreams and wishes will come true! :)

    1. YES! Buildings had somehow draws me into them :') I know about the hot air balloons too, its beautiful - but meh, i'm probably too scared to ride it XD

      Thanks, same goes to you!

  3. maiigod. turkey spain and greece also in my wishlist to travel. harap dapat pegi one day nanti huhuhu.

    1. *high five* Inn Shaa Allah, satu hari nanti kita pi XD

  4. you came to Ipoh?! hahaha I lived in Ipoh my whole life and I always wonder why do ppl even come to visit Ipoh 'cos I think Ipoh ni macam takde apapa yang menarik ._.

    1. I did, last year sebab ada program under silat ._. You hurt me, YOU FREAAAAAAKING LUCKY KOT hari-hari dapat hadap those buildings hahahahahahaha maybe sebab you duduk sana kot ._. kalau orang suka tempat I pun, I would be like ..... "Why?" hiks
