
[challenge] #13:Obsession

By faten.banana - January 17, 2017

I should put how much I love making graphic poster too ._. and writing. I had a habits of taking out my journal (bought for RM5 at Daiso, always in my bag) and write almost everything (depends on mood really) in a discussion or a meeting . No ones know what I jot down basically. Obviously, there's thing beside the content of discussion. Sometimes I jot down any quote or simply anything amusing that comes out from ones mouth. Sometimes, it could be a dialogue or situation. 

Talking where I get inspiration to write stories. Lol. I don't doodle, because I can't. It turns horrid /cries a river/

I write my own notes ever since I start foundation years because I am the type who memorize easily by writing notes. It get intense in the last two semester XD I don't keep them anymore, the notes. The notes now may have been passed down from one person to another. I don't know, I just hope it would help them as much as they helped me.

There's thing about me. I hardly buy things, by visiting Muji or bookstore; it already satisfy me up to certain level :) Of course, I would like to posses certain things like Muji's Gel Pen or a new novel lol but I have a really frantic self conscious over buying things. Bukan kedekut uhuks. 

How about you? Do you have any obsession?

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  1. Ya Allah, kreatif and rajinnya Fatin. Jealousnya kita hahaha. Rii pun suka jugak menulis tapi itulaa, kena tengok mood jugak. Kalau takdak mood tak menjadi jugak.

    1. Terima kasih lol walaupun den takdelah kreatif mana XD Betul, nakmenulis selalunya kena kumpul mood, kalau tak satu apa pun takjadi ._.


  3. The graphic was awesome! my obsession of course books. Hehe.

  4. OMG, sama! except for black shoes :D
    i love notes making and journaling. bookstores and stationery store are my fav places to chill. wuhuhu. i can spend one hour and more strolling around the stores XD

    1. whyyyyy black shoes are cute what XD bookstores (anyplace with book could do actually) can hold me for hours lol c:

  5. i got that frantic self conscious as well but when i get to buy something totally worth it, even the smallest of thing, it gives me satisfaction. must be woman kind of thing. when i'm still studying, i got this obsession on getting really cute and fancy stationary, like this panda shaped stapler. if i gotta use it daily, better make it something that made me happy right?

    1. Cannot agree more :D but it just a habit I can't seem to fix yet. I overthink a lot and duh sometimes I just need someone to push me lol

  6. I'm so obsessed with notebooks, cats and chocolates! ahhaha

    1. *high five* I love cats though I used to be so scaaaaaaared of em .__. only after 19 years of my life hahahahaha

  7. I'm obsessed with stationeries! haha I always visit muji too and i love their loose leaf paper soooooooo much!! also the poster for this post is so nice omg im so jealous ;-;
