
[challenge] #12: A Blog I Love

By faten.banana - January 17, 2017


I have a bunch of blog I have been following ever since I was in  secondary school and it keeps increasing. Check out my Bloglist on the sidebar. My favorite blog would be [http://en-nanajohari.blogspot.my]. People who knows me long enough would probably know how much I love Kak Nana's blog ever since her akubudakbiology.

I have been following her blog since I was in Form 2. She would be one of the reasons why I start to write more seriously rather than some random things (well, I still do lol). To be honest, she's the one who inspired me to start writing stories (it starts with fanfiction btw and super pushy Zaa XD) and engulfs myself in Photoshop, designing posters.  

The thing is, I *can be considered* good in persuading people to do something that I feel can be fruitful for them. But it's hard to brainwash me. Degil sikit.

Side story lol.

I get inspired easily when I read Kak Nana's entries. There are changes that I managed to pull off where the starting point is from her. I even talked about this to few of my friend when the 'Why' question surfaced.

Now that she started using English fully in her entries, I learned a lot of new good vocabulary which I don't even know did exist before. Her entries had become more matured and complicated (?) that it get me wrecking my brain in order to understand. Can I cry out of gratefulness? Because she makes me thinks a lot. And Inspired. Lol. 

Nevertheless, I still love her blog. 6 years and counting. Aw.


We probably had one, the one that we always look for inspiration and stuff. To get console out of things that keep happening around. The one that spells 'you are gonna be fine' out of their entry. I want to be that kind of person too. Lol. Long way to go, long way.

May Allah grant you happiness and ease everything for you guys. Allah yuftah 'alaikum.
Have a nice day.

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  1. thanks for showing me another good blog to stalk on. btw, followed you since I love your writing style.

    1. you should check her blog out XD shes cool !

      and thanks a lot! thanks for following my blog, thanks for liking my writing style c: It means a lot XD
