movie (Angela Baby x Jing Boran) |
drama (Zheng Shuang x Yang Yang) |
Number of episodes: 30
Genre: Romance
Language: Standard Mandarin
Networks: Jiangsu Television, Dragon Television
Xiao Nai is a gaming expert who, courtesy of his basketball skills, academic excellence, swimming talent and game company presidency, also happens to be the most popular student on campus. When he first comes across the gorgeous computer science major Bei Wei Wei, the infinitely talented wunderkind immediately falls in love. But it’s not Bei’s looks that he notices; it’s the ridiculous mastery with which she is commanding her guild and owning everyone in an online multiplayer game that makes her impossible to forget. Now, Xiao Nai must use his skills both in real life and online to capture the adorable but dorky Bei’s heart. But does their love have the XP to succeed, or will this relationship never level up? +MyDramaList
30 episodes of charms, I could say. Just One Smile is Very Alluring (movie) and Love O2O (drama) stands from the same storyline. Yep, you read it right. Aku start tengok versi movie dulu sebab ada Angela Baby from Running Man China (suka rambut dia lol) lepastu dapat tahu yang movie ni ada versi drama. Download, tapi tak bother naktengok sebab aku sibuk tengok drama mind-boggling (yang selalunya aku avoid), Evil Minds. My younger sister end-up watching Love O2O after I told her to watch the movie first, man, she fangirls hard. Berebut laptop tu takpayah cakaplah :’) Kena amik giliran.
One thing about chinese drama is, sometimes they just overdo ‘things’; the plot, the scenes, once in awhile. Macam drama yang expected untuk habis pada episod 16 tapi ditambah ‘sikit’ dua episod. Selalunya messy. I was expecting that the plot would start to get boring by the 20th episodes, but no. It didn’t. It still went smoothly, dengan jalan cerita yang semakin berkembang – tak duduk melekat pada satu situasi je.
To be frank, I learnt a lot by watching chinese drama. Terutamanya dari segi pembinaan plot. Bila drama yang kebiasaanya banyak episod, plot dia senang jadi longgar. Takde tarikan dah untuk tengok bila sampai certain episode (lol antara benda yang selalu aku gusar bila tulis novel)

Cerita ini ada dua settings, dalam virtual life (online gaming) dengan realiti. Interaksi secara online dengan orang-orang yang kita taktahu rupa parasnya bagaimana, hanya dalaman sebagai kayu pengukur. Plot yang sama, plot yang bagi aku agak mengembalikan nostalgia lama. Plot dia aku boleh golongkan dalam kontemporari lagi, takpayah pening kepala otak tengok. Boleh layback makan pop corn pastu fangirl.
Apa yang membezakan antara versi movie dan drama? Selain dari segi perkembangan plot dan karakter, aku akan cakap, rasa completeness. Movie version is quite enjoyable, sticking genuinely to the plot walaupun a bit rushy kalau nak dibandingkan dengan drama. Versi drama lagi memuaskan manusia macam aku sebab dia punya plot ‘diikat’ secara sempurna. Selain itu, dia punya side story sangat entertaining (humor and moral) lol especially tiga besties Xiao Nai (acted by Yang Yang). Kebanyakan scene dalam movie memang ada dalam drama cuma disusun semula bagi teratur (?) sikit. 20 episod ke atas dah boleh kira sebagai complimentary episodes, penyambung dari versi movie.

Dan aku suka, macam mana watak Zhen Shui (2nd Lead) berkembang walaupun sumpah annoying karakternya awal-awal. I liked how he actually found the real dream lol macam terbangun dari tidur ekspresinya.
OH.MY *screams*
Adik aku a bit attentive to the characters, cara jalan, karakter kebanyakan dia yang point out lol (sebab dia tengok dulu) Contohnya, Xiao Nai dalam drama biasanya bila marah takpun merajuk dia akan senyap. Comel je muka uhuks sis naknangis jap.
Favourite Scene

Aku suka scene semua gamers dari guild (team) dia berjumpa. Lol, pastu Xiao Nai datang amik dengan payung :') Waktu tu, ada seorang perempuan yang dah memang lama taksuka dia tabur fitnah depan muka. Dan jawapan Xiao Nai, /cry/
[All the gif and pictures, not mine]
Conclusion: 4.5/5, sebab there's always room for improvement :) Tapi serius, aku suka sangat the plot. Those flattering momments.
p/s: Hm, panjang review yang sangat kritikal ni merupakan sesuatu diluar jangkaan. Bila kali terakhir aku fangirl teruk?
Ta *batuk* ..di.
Have a nice day!
yang yang!!!!
ReplyDeletefangirls scream
but I do love the drama. the female character is not some cliche heroine
Deleteunfortunately I only watch korean but might give these a try one day hiks
ReplyDeleteYou should! I used to watch kdrama only but nah, nowadays others asian drama (be it Philippines, thai, japan, etc) they are so entertaining :D
Deletewahhhh menarik nie. bila baca review teringin pulak nak tengok, kena cari masa download dan tengok. :D
ReplyDeleteserius memang kena tengok! XD Hope you will enjoy the ride ~~
DeleteNampak best! Why laki tu hensem sangaattt hahahaha can't wait to watch it!
ReplyDeleteden pun taktau kenapa dia hengsem sangat :') hahahahaha goodluck and have fun!
DeleteI wish I could have more time to watch tv. Ni asal tgk tv, suma crita da tgk/ kind of boring. haha.
ReplyDeleteden taktengok tv........sangat XD download (?) lepastu biar berzaman dalam lappy, ni yg cuti baru pulun habis XD