
040: A new page

By faten.banana - January 29, 2017
Assalammualaikum The Bai'ah Ceremony and whenever we had to sing the university song. I could feel the weight of responsibility brought by the lines/lyrics of the song. The Bai'ah - oath, the Students Oath we pledged during the ceremony successfully sent shivers down my spine. The echoes. It's crazy. A year ago, I was in Foundation of English Language and now I am...

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[challenge] #25: Konklusi | Kenapa Saya Menulis

By faten.banana - January 26, 2017
Assalammualaikum. Sebenarnya, kalau ditanya - kenapa dan mengapa? Selalunya akan berakhir dengan jawapan yang sama dari mulut aku (atau jemari yang menaip, cewah); untuk melepaskan rasa.  I have some issues back then, it wasn't that hard nor easy too. It's only a mess and I accidentally end-up getting hurt by the messiness, somehow.  Aku selalunya memang nampak macam manusia yang takpeduli dengan apa-apa...

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[challenge] #24: a dream, count me in.

By faten.banana - January 24, 2017
Assalammualaikum 24 had always been my favorite number. It started as a very special date for few of my friends but then I just grew special attachment to the number. Lol, funny aite? How those kind of inter-related things could bring another meaning for yourself.  Talking about dreams and so. I would like to have my very own book café here in my...

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[challenge] #21: Inspiration, where does it comes from?

By faten.banana - January 24, 2017
It really depends on the things I want to work on at that particular moment. #1 Writing plenty story that not gonna work-on by themselves I am that person, yeah – aha that one person who easily get swayed by pool of emotions when listening to song. Especially ones with heavy emotion carried in the melody. I write based on emotions, usually. The...

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[challenge] #17: a teacher I look up to

By faten.banana - January 22, 2017
When I was in school, I wasn’t the type that goes all friendly nor clingy over people including my teachers. But there is one person who I kinda grew attached to. It is my Physic teacher, the sifu of all when I was in Form 4 and 5. Frankly speaking, Physics used to be my sleeping pills (Biology probably worsed – an anaesthesia,...

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[challenge] #16: Kenangan Zaman Kanak-Kanak

By faten.banana - January 22, 2017
PLKN Merang Suria, Terengganu (1214-0215) Assalammualaikum Hampir taip dalam Bahasa Inggeris, lol. Taktahulah kalau orang perasan ke tak, aku cuba untuk tak campur rojak (minimaliskan) Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris dalam satu entri - sebab, ada sebabnya. Perasaan aku yang perlu dijaga emosinya mungkin boleh jadi salah satu alasan. Tapi rasanya selepas entri ke-empat atau lima habis aku langgar.  Fuh, kawal diri.  Kawal...

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[challenge] #14: travel

By faten.banana - January 20, 2017
credit to Travel Channel (The Palacio de Generalife Granada, Spain) Assalammualaikum “Falling was such an elastic word.” – If I Fix You, Abigail Johnson When I was in my teen-years, I always dream of going to Korea or Japan (to watch the sakura lol) but it wasn’t that intense. I just feel like going there. But now, no. Actually, since last two years –...

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[challenge] #13:Obsession

By faten.banana - January 17, 2017
I should put how much I love making graphic poster too ._. and writing. I had a habits of taking out my journal (bought for RM5 at Daiso, always in my bag) and write almost everything (depends on mood really) in a discussion or a meeting . No ones know what I jot down basically. Obviously, there's thing beside the content of discussion....

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[challenge] #12: A Blog I Love

By faten.banana - January 17, 2017
Assalammualaikum I have a bunch of blog I have been following ever since I was in  secondary school and it keeps increasing. Check out my Bloglist on the sidebar. My favorite blog would be [http://en-nanajohari.blogspot.my]. People who knows me long enough would probably know how much I love Kak Nana's blog ever since her akubudakbiology. I have been following her blog since I...

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[challenge] #11: Favorite Color

By faten.banana - January 16, 2017
Pandangan ditala ke arah dada langit. Biru terang, seperti ais krim yang kian mencair di tangan. Petang-petang ambil angin bawah pohon memang masyuk sungguh. Lagi-lagi bila dapat ais krim orang belanja, nikmatnya MashaAllah.  “There’s thing about those cloudless sky that can draw us in. Don’t you think so?” Dulu antara benda yang cukup untuk membuatkan dirinya pulih dari emosi ‘terbalik’ tidak dijangka adalah...

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[challenge] #10: Favorite Love Songs

By faten.banana - January 15, 2017
Assalammualaikum Frankly speaking, I listened to break up songs but hey break up is one of the process in loving someone. Aha, yep. This is mine; Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey No. I don’t even know who Lana Del Rey is. I first listened to this song from YouTube (of course!), sang by one of my favorite sing-tuber (lol); skyswirl for...

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[review] Just One Smile is Very Alluring / Love O2O

By faten.banana - January 11, 2017
movie (Angela Baby x Jing Boran) drama (Zheng Shuang x Yang Yang) Number of episodes: 30 Genre: Romance Language: Standard Mandarin Networks: Jiangsu Television, Dragon Television Xiao Nai is a gaming expert who, courtesy of his basketball skills, academic excellence, swimming talent and game company presidency, also happens to be the most popular student on campus. When he first comes across the gorgeous...

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[challenge] #8: talking about fashion, a failure.

By faten.banana - January 10, 2017
Assalammualaikum I would be that one person who rarely dress up, wearing the same attires that you thought its going to bore your eyes out, thinking sport shoes totally fine with everything and obviously, having no make-up at all (yes, not even a coat of lip balm) is fine.  (No, it's not) I haven't changed at all, well, yet. Outfit I am so...

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[challenge] #6: My love | 2017

By faten.banana - January 01, 2017
Assalammualaikum. "I love you" probably the hardest words, the least expected expression people need to see coming out of me. If I could recalled, it probably years and years ago since I did say it to anyone - family and friends. I don't even have any characters in my writing saying "I love you" now that I think. I just stop expressing my...

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