Assalammualaikum. Aku suka sangat mengemas, macam obses pun ada sebenarnya. Aku rasa antara sebab yang buat aku suka sangat mengemas ni adalah PLKN. Sebelum aku masuk PLKN, aku kemas jugak rumah tapi bak kata Ibu aku "Kemas rumah macam takkemas je." Ada rasa deja-vu tak? Lol. Aku jadi rajin sikit daripada biasa sejak duduk jauh dari rumah bila masuk bab kemas rumah ni....

Assalammualaikum I am supposed to submit an entry yesterday but life caught me somehow. Besides, I do not know how am I supposed to write this one. To be frank, I don’t dine out frequently as much as love going out (on tight budget, mind me.) Even though I go outing almost every week (in the name of relieving stress gais) I only...
Assalammualaikum. Aku bukan manusia yang tahu sangat memasak. Tapi, aku suka tengok video makanan dan kadang-kadang akan ada masa datangnya angin kus-kus timur laut (kot) yang akan buat aku rasa nak memasak. Selalunya aku akan buat pencuci mulut, takpun benda yang ringkas ya ampun tahap kau pun rasa naknangis. Hm. Jangan risau, aku bukan nak kongsi resepi masak air sahabat sekalian. source: Google...

Assalammualaikum. #1 Fatin Azira Is basically the names I used both in blogging and the real world (read: its my real name lol) I prefer people calling me Faten rather than Azira because that is how it usually is. There is certain occasion where certain people opt to more heart-flattering way of calling my name. Using my full name in conversation, obviously. Lol,...

Syarat-syarat: Tak ada tarikh tamat dan tarikh mula yang spesifik. Tag 2 orang rakan blogger lain supaya lebih ramai yang join. Copy both banner and kalau rajin boleh backlink kan semula ke blog [] Terpulanglah korang nak buat dalam bahasa apa pun, jangan buat bahasa alien sudah. Saya tahu mereka merupakan antara manusia yang sentiasa busy dengan kerja :') tapi nak tag jugak...

Assalammualaikum After probably two months of holiday, spent by laying at home while doing nothing aside from the normal house chores, hours of reading and watching movies, to be bored of the routine is a yes. I am going to register for my degree programme in January 2017, another one month to spent (wisely) before gasping breath in the midst of works. It...
I have been feeling stressed out for the past few weeks. Worst, I don't even feels like talking to anyone about it because building a cave for you to hide is much better. The thing about hiding is, once you found comfort in those darkness its hard to reach the outside world again. Either because the bright sunlight give out the burning sensation...
“Awak?” Itu cukup membuatkan aku yang sedang menunduk kebawah mengangkat kepala. Tersentak, sebenarnya dari tadi berharap sesi perkenalan ringkas ini akan berhenti atau skip je apabila tiba giliran aku. Tsk. “Nama saya, Fatin Azira. Er, course, BENL.” The only BEN-student in this hall, apparently. Dia senyum. “Mesti nakjadi cikgu ni?” “Definitely not a teacher!” Taken aback, tapi dia masih senyum. Entah kenapa aku jadi agresif...

Assalammualaikum OST is an abbreviation/acronym that stands for Original/Official Sound Track. Music undeniably plays an important role to trigger emotions from audience, if we are talking about movies. Sometimes, we don't even notice how these few songs be it with lyrics or simply just a strum of guitar being played as the background music, it gives effect to people. It triggers, it gives...

Assalammualaikum #1 I am officially a graduate of foundation studies :') I know, I know. It is only my first tiny small step towards something much bigger and challenging but I am allowed to celebrate right? *throws confetti* There is a lot of things I need to know, need to do, heck the grammar also need a major work before I can properly...
“This is the world we live in, I introduce you.” Sarkastik yang tidak mampu disimpan, sebelum dituruti dengan keluh lemah dari mulut. Berita yang sedang bersiaran membuatkan kepala menggeleng perlahan. Air mata laju bergenang dihujung tubir, menanti masa mahu keluar. Mudah benar hati terusik dengan perkara sebegini. "Are you okay?" Supersaturated, itu yang dia rasa sekarang. Banyak sangat perkara yang berlaku disekeliling. Tambah...
Published: June 2016 Publisher: Simon Pulse Pages: 288 Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Synopsis: In this ode to all the things we gain and lose and gain again, seventeen-year-old Penelope Marx curates her own mini-museum to deal with all the heartbreaks of love, friendship, and growing up. Welcome to the Museum of Heartbreak. Well, actually, to Penelope Marx’s personal museum. The one she creates...
Assalammualaikum. I write. A lot. But sometimes, its hard to find a proper word, the right word to explain what actually goes in-out of your mind. Yet, we still find a way to express it in words. Pouring all those chocked feelings because we just want to shout it out. Verbally, or atleast on paper. I used to pen it out, either in...
Title: Hues Of Promise Genre: Light Angst Type: Short Drama [two-shot] Language: Bahasa Melayu (90%) (p/s: credit goes to Zaa since she gave a drabble which I later turned into this one lol) Read it here Assalammualaikum Lol. Kali ini, Hues of Promise. Bila dahlama takmenulis. Bila dahlama takbermain dengan aksara dan warna-warna perkataan. Bila dahlama taksentuh photoshop. Harapnya, ini satu permulaan yang...
[Review] Sukina Hito ga Iru Koto | A Girl & Three Sweethearts
By faten.banana - October 23, 2016

Episodes: 10 Director: Hiro Kanai, Ryo Tanaka, Tomonobu Moriwaki Writer: Sayaka Kuwamura Network: Fuji TV [Plot] Misaki Sakurai (Mirei Kiritani) has not dated in a long time. She has focused on her work as a pâtissier to eventually run her own business. One day, she gets fired from work. She then meets her first love from high school Chiaki Shibasaki (Shohei Miura). Misaki Sakurai...

Assalammualaikum It's been a week since I finish my foundation, spent few days at my aunt house somewhere located in Kuala Lumpur just because I cannot resist the temptation of playing with the twins (boy x girl). Not to say that, this final semester exhaust me a lot that I barely find my own 'me time'. Yet, because it is the last semester....

Assalammualaikum Input would produce output. Those output however would always be affected by variables. Be it, the circumstances, pressure, situation, might be the people itself. As a result, no matter how cliche its going to sound right now - it would affect us. To me, I had always be that person who feels comfortable in my own comfort zone. I had my line...