
iShare | 5 Habits You Don’t Realise You’re Doing That’s Limiting Your Growth

By faten.banana - April 06, 2020

I love looking at the time I have spent over the years. Reading the blog post I used to write, going through my diary entries or even a small list of achievements I unlocked over the years. Years of where I started to grow-up little by little, shedding of the shell I used to wear as a protective garment. I owe a bunch of this achievement due to my dissatisfaction and greed of wanting to be better – better than anyone I used to feel inferior about.

#1 Feeding my fears 
I personally think that when it comes to limiting our growth – it always due to our personality of submitting to our fear. As I was reminiscing all my past chances that I let go, most often it was due to my inner demon of not wanting to hurt myself if I were bound to fail

Fear is a feeling that works like a magnet from the same pole. By feeding fear with its so-called ‘food’, we are growing them into a monster. Keep feeding them and it will only grow bigger and monstrous. Keep showing the same pole to the other pole; it would only resulting in an unbreakable bond.
Photo by Bram. on Unsplash
An ounce of fear is good, but what should we do with a sack of fear – we had to trash away something that is no use.

#2 Following others ‘too well’
I used to be rebellious and do whatever I want to regardless of the opposition I received. But then I changed into someone who would jump into the river and later decided that I will just follow the flow after I get into university. Somehow, I end up following others too well! (and it becomes a trait that soon affecting my whole life!)

I would listen to people to the extent that sometimes it shapes the way I used to do things, the way I think and the way I simply live my life. At one point, I realize I am deviating from my own self and identity. I guess I want to be like them so much that I end up ditching the part of me that is good too. At this point, I am not growing rather I am putting a stop to my growth spurt.

#3 Having too many doubts
Living and breathing in a high-achievers environment are like a drug'. At one instance, it can fire the flame inside us, but at the same time, it can also cost an unimaginable charge. Over time, I had become a person who is filled with so many doubts that it clouds the way I should ever think about myself.

There are times we had to undergo pains, failures and a bunch of trivial challenges in order to grow. Having doubts over my abilities stops me from going through those things. At the moment, I am saving myself from the emotional distress but at the end of the day, it is like stopping myself from crossing the river because there are a lot of things that go through my mind. I mean, what if I fall and drown, what if the other side is just an illusion – the what-ifs.

I stop doing certain things because I am clouded with a number of doubts, often irrelevant but I still succumb to it anyway. I thought it is going to make me happy, but it just blocking the way for me to grow better.

#4 Avoiding ‘unnecessary’ responsibilities
In my opinion, we are limiting our own self by sticking to the guidelines or the job scopes prepared for us only. There are times where we should exert our willpower to its fullest limit even when it comes to only opening a bottle of ketchup. It is like having a class where the lecturer required you to understand the material given – some would choose to read them, some would watch a movie or an adaptation of that pieces, but there would always be that someone who goes beyond the ‘unnecessary’ by doing all those stated AND reading additional paper related to that material.

It is time for us to understand that, there are people who are willing to go beyond the bare minimum. What would you do in order to finish the task assigned to? Would you stick into doing that preoccupied with only the bare minimum of completing the task?
Or would you rather go beyond?

#5 Sleeping on our talents
Among those I have I listed above, the biggest mistake we could have ever done is sleeping on our own talents. This usually happened due to the combination of inferiority and fear that is growing inside our own self. Another monster. 

I believe we need to sit and reflect on how we are treating our own self. I used to believe that I have no talent at all, I mean – my writings are mediocre, my graphic skill is lower than average. I do not even know what I am good at. However, over the years there a bunch of people who came to me and mentioned how my writings speak to their soul a lot. 

Sorry…what? You mean my crappy writing?

I do recall, someone used to say this to me:

“The moment we underestimate our self, 
we are not doing justice to our self.”

Be good to our own soul and others would take its place accordingly. May 2020 be a good year for all of us, especially in terms of personal growth. Do not forget to love yourself too!

ps: iShare would be the series where I published articles that I sent for a publisher but got rejected. Lol. I decided to share it here after a few editing is done.

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  1. I feed on my fear too well and as a result, all the other four things listed and a few others come right after - like a whole package. I have serious insecurity issues which, fortunately for me, has lessened a lot less since the MCO started and I'm not rushed to complete my tasks in my own time. I think others can relate to my experience too. I hope we'll all get better and love ourselves more, all the perfect and imperfections as a whole!

    1. Me too, now that I realize how I keep feeding them - I tried to refrain myself from overly doing it. Lol.


  2. I love your blog design. simple yet modern and stylish.

  3. a good sharing! thank you!!

  4. ive read somewhere orang cakap fear kalau dilayan memang makin menjadi2 dan boleh makan diri. tapi itula nak atasi tu we have to know the right methods jugak.
