Photo by Anthony Intraversato on Unsplash Assalammualaikum. Working in a group could be a nightmare for some of us, I dare to say. When I was in my foundation studies, I keep hearing stories about how my friends had to deal with free-rider and etcetera. In university, I thought people would act much professionally considering everyone had reached an age which can be considered mature enough...
Assalammualaikum. Love Playlist, Seventeen and Yellow? What are these things have in common? There are web dramas produced by Playlist (a mobile drama broadcasting station) in Korea. However, they come with multiple subtitles, not only English. I started following this web drama which is updated twice a week on their official Youtube Channel, Thursday and Saturday, since their first release...

Assalammualaikum. I wish I could post entry as often as I used to because that is how I used to be. I write a lot to express my thought. My silliest thought, if I have to speak the truth. Lol. I have just finished watching Knowing Brothers EP97 (TVXQ) and its triggered me to write about something that makes me happy despite how...

Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre @ KLPAC I have been living under a rock for a few weeks. Detached and forced – by whom, ugh... myself. Desperately trying to catch up with everything that goes around me. I was devastated, yes. I was defeated, somehow, yes. I realized there are things that goes beyond your expectation even though you tried very hard until...

Assalammualaikum. One of the reasons, I like about being a Malaysian is that we in general are really celebrative peeps! I mean, we celebrate almost everything without actually seeing races and religions as a huge barriers. Of course, we do quarrels once in awhile. But meh - let see the bright side and you will love it. I kinda miss the time when...

I did pretty decent last semester. Decent as in I do not flunk any subjects which is wallahi I can never be grateful enough. I was pretty upset with my own self because I am totally acting like a genuine wallflower in Introduction to Poetry class. I like the lecturer tho – she is fantastic (no argue) and she reads Kazuo Ishiguro (double...
1. Read only trilogies or stand alone? Stand alone, because I do not like the idea of being left hanging. Yet, I enjoy reading Percy Jackson’s series by Rick Riordan, The Maze Runner series by James Dashner and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Trilogies by Jenny Han (did not read the last installment lagi though :p) 2. Read only female or...

Title: Golden Time | ゴールデンタイムEpisodes: 24 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Due to a tragic accident, Banri Tada is struck with amnesia, dissolving the memories of his hometown and past. However, after befriending Mitsuo Yanagisawa, he decides to move on and begin a new life at law school in Tokyo. But just as he is beginning...
Diameter, kalau dicari maknanya: Diameter (n.) – the lenght of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two point on the circumference. - Jadi sekiranya aku meletakkan memori sebagai diameter yang menghubungkan antara titik pertama (aku yang dahulu) dan titik kedua (aku yang sekarang), legit kan? Aku rasa aku sejenis manusia yang suka bergelumang dengan memori, boleh...

Guess who in the cloud nine at the moment? I placed the order on Monday (26 June – yes in amidst of drowning myself in Kuih Raya craziness guys), the payment being made on Wednesday (28 June) and I received the parcel today which is (4 July). 9 days in total. I do not expect the parcel would come anytime soon since I...

picture is mine :D This Impossible Light - Lily Myers Page: 352 PENGUIN GROUP (Penguin Young Readers Group) Philomel Books Poetry , Teens & YA Pub Date 06 Jun 2017 Source: NetGalley Assalammualaikum I had to be constantly reprimanded that good books does not have definite shape. It could be book with unattractive cover, repetitive plot or might even be a debut piece...

I would be that one person who would type “Why do Almond London is called Almond London” or “The reasons behind London in Almond London cookies” because it is oddly satisfying to type that specifically long in the search engine. So, when I found out that Zaful, an online fashion store which allows me to type things such as “red halter dress”, "robes de...