
049: Would You Rather, book tag

By faten.banana - August 01, 2017

1. Read only trilogies or stand alone?
Stand alone, because I do not like the idea of being left hanging. Yet, I enjoy reading Percy Jackson’s series by Rick Riordan, The Maze Runner series by James Dashner and To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before Trilogies by Jenny Han (did not read the last installment lagi though :p)

2. Read only female or male authors?
I wanna read both sobs this is hard but I guess, female?
This is weird, but when I first started reading English books I prefer to read pieces written by male authors and usually avoid reading from female authors until two years ago? (Duh, I know right?) I read from both gender from time to time, but male authors’ pieces seems to pique my interest more.

The reason is, I had this well uhm we could call it illusion that all female author write only chick-lit – which I do not really preferred. Again, back then lah. There is a story which makes me change my preference lol but, next time. Now, I read more from female writers than male authors, I guess?

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Max Planck

 3. Shop at Barnes & Nobles or Amazon?
Uhm, nopes since this girl hate the idea to spend her money over shipping-fees (can buy more books) and again, waiting. I prefer going to bookstore myself because I find utopia there. Ocassionally, I would buy from MPHONLINE because of member’s discount. Hiks.

4. All books become movies or TV shows?
TV Shows, I like it if they can emphasize or work on single detail that appears on the book <3

5. Read 5 pages per day or 5 books per week?
5 pages per week. Trust me, reading is a bless and bliss for me. However, sometimes I would stop reading because I kinda dislike that feelings of ‘you-need-to-finish-reading-this’. You would not understand, I hate restrictions.  Now that I think, why does I feel like it is a restriction at the first place?

A thing to ponder before sleep, Faten.

6. Be a professional reviewer or author?
Author. #PrayforFatin

7. Only read your top 20 favourite books over and over again or always read new ones that you haven’t read before?
New ones. Eventhough I found out that by reading books over and over again could actually helps in improving my understanding and details that I might not notice – new books promises new adventure as well as knowledge.

8. Be a librarian or book seller?
Book seller. I used to be a librarian, but nah now I feel like providing a ranges of books to people in my own space. I told you before. Besides, I would have more opportunities to share my loves for book to more people.

No worry, you are all welcomed to the opening, one day.

9. Only read your favourite genre or every genre except your favourite?
Every genre. I usually had this sudden inclination to “Eh-Rasa-Nakbaca-Buku-*insert books genre*” out of nowhere. I have that in me. Lol. And, changing from genre to another once in awhile helps me to overcome my reading slumps.

10. Only read physical books or e-books?
Ebooks. I like physical books but I can fit a lot more in my device as I usually jump from one book to another real quick even before I’m halfway through it.


Thank you Rasya for tagging me! I wish I could tag some more people but ... since I do not have that much blogger ...................... friends –‘ Feel free to do this tag (as well as being my friend)

Hahahahahahahahaha, k I need to stop.
Until the next time, have a bless!

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  1. I forgot whether I have commented or not lol but anyway, the header is gorgeous *insertheartshapedeyesemoji*

    I hope HP could be turn into movie shows. Would love to see more fluffy filler scenes.


    1. (my blog need renovation lol)

      Me too, well me too!

  2. I'd rather be an author too but yknowww I'm so not talented. hahaah. I hope you'll become an author.


      Am no kidding, in order to write better, we need practise. Hiks. Write everyday, it will help, seriously!

  3. Yes. TV Show! Kalau boleh, semua babak dalam novel nak letak dalam TV Show. Kalau filem, terlalu pendek. Semua pasti disingkatkan.

    1. Ha'ah, lagipun movie cepat habis hahahahahahah XD

  4. This is such a good tag. I hope I can be an author too. LOL. Totally agree about shipping fees - am buying more stuff with that money instead!
