
088: being in our twenties

By faten.banana - December 30, 2023
I am hitting 27 years old in 2024. Age is just a number, sure. But, it does make me think about a lot of things as well. Like, how it has been almost two years since I left my previous company, three years since I left school, three years and counting since I have the ambition to continue my postgraduate studies, two years since...

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087: of some things we'll never know

By faten.banana - October 01, 2023
Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on UnsplashCan't believe, it has been over two years since I graduated from university. I miss studying. I miss the time I had to stay up late just to finish an assignment. Of course, I wish I did better (so that my study loan can be waived for instance lol). Life is good now--it has its own occasional...

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086: Life Recently

By faten.banana - July 30, 2023
Assalammualaikum and hello fellas,It's been a while—as usual.My laptop broke down a few days after I updated my last entry. Long story short, I decided to get a Macbook Air after almost a month of contemplating whether I should go for it or not. Even before my laptop broke down, I have been considering a Macbook due to my job's nature ._. (I...

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085: Romanticising Life

By faten.banana - June 05, 2023
I was reading my old stories - the few ones I uploaded in Wattpad back in 2018. Back when I was in my study years. I was quite mesmerized with the way I expressed my emotions through word back then. How can I describe something so painful (used to be) in a very hopeful/optimistic ways?No kidding.I like that version of myself.Writing has always...

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084: I wanted to write something

By faten.banana - March 25, 2023
Photo by Fahrul Azmi on UnsplashRamadhan Kareem everyone! :)May Every target and goal,Every 'ibadah,Every tear and prayer,Every silent fight we had against our nafs,Every effort we made to welcome and glorify this Ramadhanis answered in the most beautiful way by Allah Ar-Rahman.We can do this :) ...

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