
087: of some things we'll never know

By faten.banana - October 01, 2023

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Can't believe, it has been over two years since I graduated from university. I miss studying. I miss the time I had to stay up late just to finish an assignment. Of course, I wish I did better (so that my study loan can be waived for instance lol). Life is good now--it has its own occasional turbulences. But, I believe I have been reacting/responding to them pretty well. 

I still live my life quietly; focusing on myself most of the time because I have been getting sick, on and off, a lot for the past two years. 

Growing up, I was never 'the' sick kid. I would only get sick (fever usually) once per year, and that's it. But now, I frequent the hospital/clinic a lot. It never gets easier. Especially as I am practically alone in this city. So, I have to get by by myself.

I have learnt that too much stress can lead to physical pain towards my body. I talked to my physiotherapist when I was getting treatment for my back pain, and she said that could be one of the reasons. So, I try to let myself loose a bit. After all, there is nothing that can be done when I get sick, no?

I have learnt that I need enough rest once I max out my social battery--if not, it will end up with me getting sick. It has happened countless times already, so I try to take care of myself better which includes saying no to further engagement beyond working hours. 

On the weekend, I just spend it at home. I don't really go out that much anymore. I tried not to move that much since ACL happened because the pain can be excruciating. Furthermore, it hinders my movement a lot (and spikes my expenses because walking pains me, so GrabCar it is! - even when I am heading to work) 😵‍💫

Now that I'm already discharged from both physiotherapy and orthopaedics clinics, I am trying to move more. I need to lose weight (like a lot) while getting my limbs to work as usual again. The thing about being physically active before, once we stop doing sports -- the weight will just shoot through the roof despite not eating that much. I already signed up for gym membership at my company, so that I can continue using the equipment for my post-physio session. Yet, I never got the time to go there.

Let's just hope I would recover well for now, yes? :)

Your prayers count.

Thank you.
May Allah bless, always.

Till next time.

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