
083: cheers to everything I have swept under the rug

By faten.banana - October 24, 2022
I have been living my life... quite quietly. Only update what I feel necessary to some people I consider close with - while acknowledging the fact that my feelings can be overwhelming to them. There are times when I feel like packing my stuff, deleting my social media accounts, and just deleting any trace of me in this world. But of course, I did...

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082: the pinnacles of healing

By faten.banana - September 24, 2022
Friends had always mentioned this to me - they wish no one would ever have to experience it, especially me. I could never understand the gravity of heartbreak before, because moving on after a failed crush-ship has always been an easy task for me.I guess because I never had a proper love relationship. I never totally like a person until my heart is...

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a letter; perhaps to myself (or not)

By faten.banana - August 09, 2022
Bismillah.Alhamdulillah, tsumma alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal. It has been a while; pouring whatever confusion and thought lingering around my mind in a public space like this. I have been good, I guess? Inn Shaa Allah. There are a lot of things going around for the past few months-- a lot of things that I could have pen-ed down here like I would usually do.But I...

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Case 8 | 2021, a year in review

By faten.banana - January 07, 2022
Sometimes, life settled in when you let go  | ... and let God. I was at the lowest point of my life a few times this year. Most of the time, it is because I tried to exert dominance over how it should have gone rather than letting the supreme power handles them. You know, sometimes we forget. Even as we remembered, it...

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