029: finding me

By faten.banana - September 01, 2016


A glimpse over the series of events I have experienced for the past few months, and now it is time to bid farewell. Those time when it doesn't look as promising as it is now. The time where I still confused, puzzled about the choices have been made. Finding my own identities. The crisis. The changes and so. The catastrophe.The sweet sorrow. The everything that happened, for reason of course.

Yet, for the past few months I have seen myself grow up. Exploring things outside my comfort zone. Write a lot. Shares a lot. Mingle with people rather than spending all my time alone (the wall still up, if you ask me lol) and bear with me no matter how grumpy I might be once in a while. Drag me outside. Wait for me. Trust me even though I refuse to acknowledge it at first. Helps me discover the losing me.

Yep, the losing me.
The fading me.

The future might seems blurry right now. We don't know either we would meet again but let just strive for the best. Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be - the future's not ours to see. Lol. 

Last but not least,

"Oleh tu, sahabat, bercita-citalah! Pancangkan cita-cita itu setinggi mungkin. Iringi dengan kesungguhan, perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk mencapainya. Semoga Allah memperkenankan cita-cita itu." - Wak Duku, Rooftop Rants p352

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