
071: of 'let go and let God'

By faten.banana - November 18, 2019
By Katherine Ferreras Assalammualaikum. It is 4.27 in the morning. I sleep early last night and end up waking up at 3. I do not have anything on the schedule, at least until the end of November. It just... I was feeling quite under the weather - emotionally. Hence, the 6+ hours sleeping. It helps, it does - to some extend. I was...

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Campus Rambles | dealing with post-midsemester break

By faten.banana - November 16, 2019
Assalammualaikum. I did not go home during the mid-semester break; something that I always do. I was working for three days out of that one-week period around TTDI for race kit distributions and earned quite enough for me to last a fortnight. Alhamdulillah for the unexpected rezeki. And I also met a number of beautiful souls out there. A day after, I caught quite...

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Campus Rambles | Unlocking achievement in Week 5

By faten.banana - November 02, 2019
Assalammualaikum. After almost a month and a half frantically try to juggle between my studies and societies' programmes - I finally have the time to recompose my state of mind. I mean, no offence - being busy is all fun if we managed to properly arrange our life, there are a lot of commitments that need our equal attention. Even though I may...

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