Assalammualaikum. I have been spending quite an amount around this month none other because it is a special month for me. It’s my birthday! And there is nothing more self-worthing than doing anything that could please you to the moon and back; be it by treating your housemates nasi lemak for breakfast, accompany your friend for a window shopping, or simply celebrating the...

Assalammualaikum. First and foremost, a big thanks to Sister Afifah (from: Awesomeness) who nominates me for this Sunshine Blogger Award! Frankly speaking, I was a bit perplexed like how can I get this award when I do not shine enough? Lol, but I'm glad. I have been keeping this one since forever because of the major-wrecking-week-before-you-have-your-holiday as I want to do this seriously. (hopefully)...

I was staring at the dashboard, thinking absolutely nothing when a question pulled me back into reality: What is it like to be a degree student in language course, after a month? Ironically, darting my eyes over the calendar afterwards. Does my life really go through the same cycle, every single day? Meaning, waking up at 6:30 in the morning (after 15 minutes...