Assalammualaikum OST is an abbreviation/acronym that stands for Original/Official Sound Track. Music undeniably plays an important role to trigger emotions from audience, if we are talking about movies. Sometimes, we don't even notice how these few songs be it with lyrics or simply just a strum of guitar being played as the background music, it gives effect to people. It triggers, it gives...

Assalammualaikum #1 I am officially a graduate of foundation studies :') I know, I know. It is only my first tiny small step towards something much bigger and challenging but I am allowed to celebrate right? *throws confetti* There is a lot of things I need to know, need to do, heck the grammar also need a major work before I can properly...
“This is the world we live in, I introduce you.” Sarkastik yang tidak mampu disimpan, sebelum dituruti dengan keluh lemah dari mulut. Berita yang sedang bersiaran membuatkan kepala menggeleng perlahan. Air mata laju bergenang dihujung tubir, menanti masa mahu keluar. Mudah benar hati terusik dengan perkara sebegini. "Are you okay?" Supersaturated, itu yang dia rasa sekarang. Banyak sangat perkara yang berlaku disekeliling. Tambah...
Published: June 2016 Publisher: Simon Pulse Pages: 288 Genre: Contemporary, Young Adult Synopsis: In this ode to all the things we gain and lose and gain again, seventeen-year-old Penelope Marx curates her own mini-museum to deal with all the heartbreaks of love, friendship, and growing up. Welcome to the Museum of Heartbreak. Well, actually, to Penelope Marx’s personal museum. The one she creates...
Assalammualaikum. I write. A lot. But sometimes, its hard to find a proper word, the right word to explain what actually goes in-out of your mind. Yet, we still find a way to express it in words. Pouring all those chocked feelings because we just want to shout it out. Verbally, or atleast on paper. I used to pen it out, either in...