
023: Tautan Hati

By faten.banana - June 24, 2016
Assalammualaikum ._. There's time in life when I start to ponder more about myself. I learnt a lot in this week, more upcoming Inn Shaa Allah but there are two things keep bounce and back around my head.  'Ilm (Knowledge) and Barakah. I happened to have a small conversation with a best friend of mine while killing (more like chilling actually lulz) time...

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022: [Review] The Interpreters / Les Interpretes

By faten.banana - June 18, 2016
[Synopsis] Qiao Fei is a French postgraduate, who dreams of becoming a famous interpreter. Her education in Paris puts her right in a college where she coincidentally meets a professional French Interpreter, Cheng Jia Yang, and the two start their mentorship on the wrong foot. She earns his praise when she continuously overcomes his challenges and the two gradually develop feelings towards each...

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021: Strangers' Comfort

By faten.banana - June 04, 2016
Mahallah Umar  Assalammualaikum Aku antara manusia yang suka keluar sorang-sorang. Kalau aku keluar dengan kawan-kawan, kebiasaannya aku jadi pasif sikit. Mungkin jugak sebab aku lagi selesa nakmenapak dan buat keputusan (makan/destinasi/masa) ikut kepala sendiri. Bebas. Ceh. Sebab tu, lone ranger freak. Pft. Setakat ni, yang rajin keluar dengan aku, Dodol jelah. Tu pun lepas kena paksa dan di-sweet-talk oleh Dodol, ada masa dia...

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