
080: ephemerality of life

By faten.banana - May 08, 2021

My last post was in March, now - we are hitting May. Is it a good sign that I am not here as frequent as I expected I would back in March's entries? Lol. There's nothing much happening in my life. Similar to other IIUM's degree graduates, I too received a similar conditional offer into Master's program under IIUM - but I don't think I am up to the game, for now

I have three possible routes due to my specialization during undergraduate studies. It's enough to say that to pick only one among those three, I just cannot - just yet :') Dahlah masih miskin wkwkwkw gitu sis.
Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash
For now, I am volunteering instead of looking for a permanent job. There's nothing much I can say because it has only been a week. At first, I was pretty anxious because it has been a while since I last met people, especially a big crowd. But, Alhamdulillah - Allah grants me with the blessings of having good companions and colleagues. 

I am still the same old me, I guess. I used to have trouble sleeping at night for the first few months after graduating. Probably because of the horrible sleeping schedules I had during my study period. Nowadays, by 11 at night, I am already half-asleep lol. Not to forget, how few spritz of perfume before sleeping really helps me drift into dreamland lol. Now that I have something to do in the morning, as I need to get to the volunteering venue by 7.30 am, I tried to fit in the normal sleeping schedule :') Tapi selalunya dekat sana taksempat mengantuk pun sebab people keeps on coming and my job scope requires me to be alert all the time :')

I am still the same old me, I guess. I still love coffee though I no longer drink 3-in-1 coffee lol. 3-in-1 coffee turns me into a sugar addict lol though it is enjoyable :) I make my own coffee now as I can easily limit the amount of sugar in my cups. The best reason why my family no longer drinks my coffee as it gets less sweet day to day lol. Other than that, I started to love flavoured tea too - my fav would be from AHMAD Tea hehe.

I am still the same old me, I guess. My love towards K-artists just gets more intense. I even started collecting albums from a number of my favourites. For instance, DAY's latest album <3 Pure masterpiece I must say! 


Collecting them is among those small-small things that I found rewarding. Imagine going home after such a long dreadful day, and receiving the parcel you bought as a reward for yourself? 


I know I can't be around as frequently as I used to, but I wish you guys all the best in life. Ehe.

See you in the next entry!

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  1. What kind of volunteering work are you doing though? Is it nice? I'my very interested to know :3
    And omg you bought the Negentropy album too?! <3

    1. It's under MyVac volunteering programme :)

      I DID! Hehehe, my first DAY6's album!

  2. All the best for your future endeavours!

  3. Hello!! It's good to hear from you again. I'm currently in your shoes as well, not sure if I want to further my studies or applying for a job (I'm doing the latter for now). And yes, soft perfumes help me to sleep so much easier and gives this cosy, sleepy vibe to lull me to sleep. hehe stay safe, take care!!

    1. Hahahaha, thanks for that! You too, stay safe!

  4. All the best sis! Saya pun akan grad tak lama lagi. Gonna finish my final year in less than 2 months. A bit scared sebab tak tau nak expect apa. Nak sambung masters jugak tapi I think I need to save up a bit first. Dapatkan pengalaman kerja and then baru sambung. Hopefully everything will go well for the both of us!

    1. Hehehehe you will do great, you are bright person! Selalu macam tu lah, naksambung master tapi fikir duit je lol lagipun nak merasa gak en duit sendiri dulu hahahahaha

      Amin ya rabbal alamin!

  5. Btw, I also still collect albums walaupun tak beli sebanyak dulu. Suka kumpul albums especially the pretty ones <3

    1. Heeeeeeey! Kita baru kenal the joy of collecting them :D For now nak collect album yg kita suka the songs heheheheheh

  6. I wish you all the best as well.😊
    I'm still struggling with my study. haha

    1. Hehehehe. Wish you all the best. There is sweetness in our struggles, hope it will benefit you in the future :)

  7. I love how chill this sound and getting a good sleep routine is definitely one of important life achievements. hope to read more about your volunteering!


    1. It feels awkward writing after such a long time. A good start anyway, a progress issa progress hehehe.

      Will try to fit in that one anytime soon! Inn Shaa Allah :)
