
052: Reminiscing the good times

By faten.banana - October 20, 2017
Assalammualaikum. I wish I could post entry as often as I used to because that is how I used to be. I write a lot to express my thought. My silliest thought, if I have to speak the truth. Lol. I have just finished watching Knowing Brothers EP97 (TVXQ) and its triggered me to write about something that makes me happy despite how...

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051: let's talk, shall we?

By faten.banana - October 02, 2017
Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre @ KLPAC I have been living under a rock for a few weeks. Detached and forced – by whom, ugh... myself. Desperately trying to catch up with everything that goes around me. I was devastated, yes. I was defeated, somehow, yes. I realized there are things that goes beyond your expectation even though you tried very hard until...

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