Title: Golden Time | ゴールデンタイムEpisodes: 24 Aired: Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014 Due to a tragic accident, Banri Tada is struck with amnesia, dissolving the memories of his hometown and past. However, after befriending Mitsuo Yanagisawa, he decides to move on and begin a new life at law school in Tokyo. But just as he is beginning...
Diameter, kalau dicari maknanya: Diameter (n.) – the lenght of a straight line passing through the center of a circle and connecting two point on the circumference. - vocabulary.com Jadi sekiranya aku meletakkan memori sebagai diameter yang menghubungkan antara titik pertama (aku yang dahulu) dan titik kedua (aku yang sekarang), legit kan? Aku rasa aku sejenis manusia yang suka bergelumang dengan memori, boleh...

Guess who in the cloud nine at the moment? I placed the order on Monday (26 June – yes in amidst of drowning myself in Kuih Raya craziness guys), the payment being made on Wednesday (28 June) and I received the parcel today which is (4 July). 9 days in total. I do not expect the parcel would come anytime soon since I...