[Nota: Penulis takperasan tadi dia tekan 'Publish' walhal masih bersifat draf.] Port Dickson, Catatan Februari 2017 Assalammualaikum Bila Nasyrah ajak aku turun Port Dickson untuk ikut satu program kelab (yang aku tidak tahu pun kewujudannya hingga tatkala itu) dengan bayaran RM5 (makanan MashaAllah sumpah sedap heaven gila) untuk dua hari satu malam pada hujung minggu lepas aku terus cakap okay. Takfikir panjang, takfikir apa-apa....
Assalammualaikum I might get hit with the ‘what actually goes linger around your mind this time? Cause man, I don’t understand’. I simply take a walk on last Sunday around my campus, alone as per usual. Packed with my camera (no, I do not own DSLR) on my backpack, black sport shoes and a slack intead of tracksuit because – I do not...

Title: If I Fix You Author: Abigail Johnson Publisher: Harlequin Teen Pages: 304 Genres: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance Type: Stand-alone Assalammualaikum I finished reading this one since the last two week as I have mentioned in my previous entry. I can write it straight away but the thing is, from the moment I stumbled upon the first page. I feel like wanting to...